Welcome to JL Athletes
The best coach you will ever have is yourself.
You are the only person who is with you 24/7, knows how you are feeling, and what you are truly thinking. JL Atheltes takes a holistic approach to teaching, empowering athletes to take all the information provided and apply it. JL Athletes believes in the long term athletic development (LTAD) model, assessing performance metrics, biomechanical movement patterns, strength, and sports acuity, to consistently build a process around targeted realistic goals.
Sports are played between the lines and between the ears. It is the athlete's responsibility to train both their body and mind. With the idea that players are the driving force behind their successes and failures, it is our job to help guide them with the right tools and ideas to promote them to reach their goals. We provide information to our players so they can take ownership of their athletic development while we test and re-test all along the way. Sports are all about making adjustments pitch-to-pitch, play-to-play, game-to-game, and season-to-season. We are here to help our athletes make those adjustments when it matters most. Our goal is to allow our hitters to be as independent as possible and not rely on anyone but themselves. JL Athletes takes the same approach to continuing education, assessing and testing what has worked, and what needs to be adjusted. If players are asked to make adjustments, coaches should be held to the same standards. Our goal is to help enhance performance while reducing the risk of injury through this holistic approach.